If your thanksgiving was like mine, you might have eaten not one but two (or more) hearty meals and stayed tucked inside your relatives’ houses for the last week or so. It’s time to get those metabolisms going.
1. Don’t wait. Start immediately this week. If you wait, you’re going to look for excuses. Holiday parties, gifts of chocolates and other sweets, Christmas. Get on a roll so that if you fall off around the next set of holidays , you’ve saved yourself 3 or 4 more good weeks of healthy diet and exercise. Summer bodies are made in the winter, or whatever.
2. Pick a program. Most of us don’t do well with simply eating healthier. Count calories, count macros & micros, sugars and fats, however you want to do it. I personally go with calories because weight is simply a product of calories in vs calories out but Hey, whatever tickles your fancy. Use an app or log or group of friends to keep yourself accountable. And if you’re someone who can “watch” what you eat and watch the pounds fall off, more power to you.
3. Exercise. Just do it. It’s so simple. Burn the most calories that you can. For most of us, busy lives means doing this as quick as we can, and that’s okay. But make your workout count. Once you’re at the gym or park, give it your all, don’t slack off. And no, walking around the office or hospital floors doesn’t count; that’s part of your body’s basal metabolism, your daily routine. We’re all PAs, we all do that. Do more.
4. Set a goal. An example of a long term goal is “I want to lose 15lbs in 15 weeks”. You might want to save this for your New Years Resolution. With more holidays and temptations coming up, you want to stick to an attainable goal. Mine is simply to stick to my calorie restriction most days through Christmas (Eve, most likely).
What are your favorite workout tips? As always in medicine and in life, we always need to strive to learn more! I’m always open to ideas.